Why Lead-Free Plumbing is Critical
In 2024, the EPA updated its Lead and Copper Rule to further reduce lead contamination in drinking water. Exposure to lead can cause neurological damage, especially in children, per CDC studies.
New Federal Lead Plumbing Standards
🚰 Stricter Testing – The EPA now requires more frequent testing in homes built before 1986.
🚰 Lead Service Line Replacement – Local water utilities must replace lead pipes under new Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) rules.
🚰 Certified Lead-Free Plumbing Materials – NSF/ANSI Standard 61 ensures all pipes, fittings, and fixtures meet lead-free requirements.
Authoritative Sources for Lead-Free Plumbing
🔗 EPA’s Lead-Free Water Guide
🔗 CDC’s Health Effects of Lead
Upgrade to lead-free plumbing today—contact our EPA-compliant plumbers now!